1. Choose any BLACK t-shirt template (front & back) to design your interpretation of what New York means to you.
- Participants must use the FRONT and BACK of a BLACK color t-shirt as the base design template -- this can be any black t-shirt template found online.
- Create your artwork of what New York means to you on the back of any Black t-shirt.
- Recreate / redesign the JŪN logo on the front left chest of any Black t-shirt template, again with the interpretation of what New York means to you.
- Feel free to change up the logo's font, fill, etc. to match your artistic style).
- All types of artworks are welcome, including but not limited to: paintings, digital art, pop art, abstract, graffiti, photography, canvas art, typography, etc.
- Please note that the colors of the finished winning T-shirts may be slightly different and changed by JŪN when or if deemed necessary.
- If your winning design includes fewer than 6 colors, the T-shirt will be screen printed.
- If your winning design includes 6 or more colors, the T-shirt will be digitally printed.
2. Create and submit a high-resolution design by Wednesday, June 5, 2024.
- The design should be high-resolution of around 300dpi.- Both the front & back t-shirt files should submitted to support@jun-nyc.com in Adobe Illustrator format (in .ai file extensions) by June 5.
- If you did not make the design via Adobe Illustrator, please follow the below steps to convert and maintain high-resolution of your design:
- Use a website like Vectorizer to sharpen and save your designs as a PNG image.
- Use Convertio to convert into .ai files.
- In your email submission, please also include a quote or small description of what New York means to you, which should align with your design submission.
- Please use English-language characters for the files' names.
- Participants may be asked to resubmit their designs if they pass the first stage of judging, so please save all of your design files until the contest ends.
3. Share your designs publicly on Instagram by Wednesday, June 5, 2024.
- Participants must follow us on IG.
- Participants must have a public IG account.
- Participants must tag us in the post, which includes both their front and back t-shirt designs.
4. JŪN will review and shortlist 12 participants for our bracket challenge, which starts on Tuesday, June 11 and will run until Wednesday, June 19.
- After reviewing all submissions via email and Instagram, JŪN will shortlist 12 participants designs for our bracket rounds, which will essentially be decided by public vote.
- How the bracket challenge will work:
- The 12 shortlisted participants will be randomly sorted into one of 3 brackets
- Starting on June 11, JŪN will post each brackets’ participant designs on IG for a public vote via comments.
- The first bracket will be posted on June 11, the second bracket on June 12, and the third bracket on June 13.
- All brackets will commence voting on the same day: Wednesday, June 19.
- The Top 2 designs per bracket with the highest number of votes (IG comments received) by June 19 will move on to the final round.
- The final round (Round 2) for each bracket will start on Friday, June 21, and public voting will be held again via IG.
- The first bracket will be posted on June 21, the second bracket on June 22, and the third bracket on June 23.
- All brackets will commence final round of voting on the same day: Sunday, June 30.
- One winner will eventually be crowned per bracket on July 1 (THREE total winners will emerge from this bracket challenge).
- At JŪN's full discretion, we will choose a fourth winner out of the other 9 shortlisted designs -- this winner will also be announced on July 1, alongside all the other 3 publicly voted winners.
- Each of the 4 ultimate winners will receive $200 USD cash prize, alongside a JŪN gift box with their own printed t-shirt and other goodies.
- At all times throughout this competition (from initial submission through bracket challenge and winners' announcements), JŪN holds the rights and will have the discretion to disqualify any artists / designs if we detect unoriginal works, "fake" likes, or other methods of cheating.
5. Launching the 4 winning t-shirts online.
- Once the competition concludes and the 4 winning participants are announced, their designs will go into manufacturing at our NYC factory.
- We will print 30 of each winning design on our blank INSIGNIA. TEE (in black),
- We will plan to launch each design -- at staggered times -- on our online ship within one year (counting from the date that the winners are announced).
- Designs and description / quote on what New York means to you must be submitted to us via email (support@jun-nyc.com), AS WELL AS publicly via an Instagram post.
- Both of these submission steps must be done in order to be considered.
- Designs sent by mail, for example, will not be accepted.
- All submissions must be submitted digitally because the winning designs will be used to create prints for T-shirts.
- Design positioning and sizing may be altered by JŪN if necessary.
- Plagiarized submissions, designs that have been developed for other purposes, or designs that have been used in the past by other organizations or companies will be not be accepted. If detected for any of these, the participant will be automatically disqualified from the competition.
- Entrants may not utilize artificial intelligence to generate any parts of their submissions -- while we believe in the benefits of AI, this competition is about appreciating authentic artistry, creativity, and originality.
- Contest participants must cover costs of producing their designs on their own (i.e., any expenses incurred for the design prior to submitting it to JŪN).
- Regardless of whether the designer has obtained licensing rights or not, it is prohibited to use representations which include, evoke, or imitate specific persons or intellectual properties which belong to other third parties, including but not limited to characters, brands, logos, images, illustrations, styles, compositions, and linguistic expressions.
- Participants can use artwork that they have previously published or exhibited, so long as they are the sole owners / designers of them.
- JŪN may withdraw prizes and / or terminate merchandising of the 4 winning t-shirts without prior notice to the artist if there are any violations found, or if similar artwork is made publicly available / copied from outside the JŪN online store.
- The final 4 winners shall not use the artwork for their own purposes after the competition concludes, including but not limited to submissions for other design competitions.
- JŪN reserves the right to cancel the t-shirt design contest at any time, either due to insufficient participant entries or at its sole discretion.
- How many entries can I submit?
Each participant can submit a maximum of 2 entries at one time (2 front designs and 2 back designs). Please note that if you submit 2 entries, only 1 of your designs can be shortlisted to have a chance of winning.
- I am a minor. Can I enter?
- Yes. We accept submissions regardless of applicants' age, gender, nationality, etc. Minors are required to obtain the consent of a legal representative to participate.
- Can we enter as a group or company?
- Yes. Please ensure everyone who contributes to the design understands the rules and policies for entry.
- Can I use an artwork shown at an exhibition?
- Yes, you can use artwork that has been previously published at exhibitions or online; however, the artwork must be original and belong to you. If you use someone else's artwork, you will automatically be disqualified.
- When will the winners be announced?
- We will announce the 4 winners (3 from the brackets, 1 our choice) on July 1, 2024 -- one day after final round of the bracket challenge commences.